Andorra Youtuber
YouTubers that fauna of entertainment generators, there are good and bad and in this case it was a personal challenge to investigate one of those “bad” youtubers. You will think but if you don’t know him, how can you say he’s bad? Well, if I’ve had the pleasure of meeting him and he’s a bad person, that’s not what he reflects in his videos and he cares about three cucumbers about his followers, he just wants the pasta and period … he does things with malice, shameless egocentric … and with more than 15 million followers that is not little. And I will tell you a specific case of what this youtuber did, in an event he attended to sign books and take photos with his followers, more than 4000 people gathered. The man had hired an hour and a half to do the “chickweed” after that time he suddenly caught himself surrounded by the security guards and began to run and disappeared through a door, leaving hundreds and hundreds of children abandoned (there were still about 1500– 2000 people) who were left crying, devastated by not having been able to meet their idol after more than 6 hours of queuing they had been doing to see him in person (and who had paid a ticket to an event, that even if they did more things, They had only paid the entrance to see him, and the worst thing is not that he ran away but it was that he neither apologized nor said anything in any social network that could calm those children and give them a little encouragement after what happened.
Well, as a personal challenge I set out to find out his address, not for nothing because I’m not going to publish it, or sell it or anything, but I wanted to give him a touch of humility and put his feet on the ground.
After analyzing some videos of him, I was able to locate that he lived in Andorra, after analyzing the streets where he passed and more specifically a roundabout that appeared in a video, I approached the search.

From there, seeing specifically some mountains that could be seen from your balcony, I placed myself on top of those mountains with a map and drew a straight line on the map and from there it was to go step by step little by little until I saw the roof of your house that it was something characteristic and if I found it.

But to make matters worse and as he likes to hesitate about his wonderful cars and his personalized license plates, I could calmly look who was the holder of those license plates and they cross out! more information.
After this, I made a complete report and sent it to him by email giving him advice on what privacy is and what care should be taken on the net and even more a “famous” person like him.
You know what? To this day I have not received a reply, nor has he deleted or modified the videos where important information about him appears and that is how some of those egocentric, excess, impersonal and other qualifying “youtubers” are like that which I am going to shut up.