Today I am talking about Trashing or dumpster diving, it is an illegal technique of obtaining private information, which consists of reviewing the garbage of the person or organization to investigate.
Although at present not many letters are received because everything is online, there are still people who receive them, but what we do receive are many packages and in the case of companies they print many reports which they do not shred and are thrown into the bin as if nothing.
Trashing consists of searching the containers for information about the person to be investigated or looking at random to see what is found.
How many of you remove the label with your details from the box you receive from an Amazon package?
Very few people do it and that means they can have a lot of information about you. I no longer say throw letters from the bank or insurance, at a private level you think that you would not reveal much information either but it is not like that, but at a business level things get much more serious.
The information obtained by trashing companies, health centers and other organizations is invaluable as it can provide information that can be crucial for the Trasher.
So from now on watch what you throw in the trash either at home or at the company because behind there can always be someone who tracks that information